Monday, May 20, 2013

editing poppies. editando amapolas.

Me chiflan las amapolas. Me gusta llamarlas ababoles. Me encanta cuando empiezan a aparecer por todas partes, dando color a cada rincón. Ésta es la imagen final
I have a crush on poppies. I adore them. I love when they start popping here and there, filling every corner with joy and color. Here is the final image:
Happy Mother's Day.
This is the original:

El proceso: He jugado con los modos de fusión. Creé una capa nueva y pinté de negro un poco a lo bestia, para cambian el modo de fusión a superponer, de modo que sólo afectaría a los tonos oscuros, los tallos, y no el cielo.
And this is the process: I played with blending modes in Photoshop. I painted black on a new layer, which I blended in overlay mode

P52 Sweet Shot Tuesday with Kent Weakley


  1. Wow, shows what processing done properly can do. I wouldn't have known you had done anything. Great shot.

  2. Menudo cambio, te ha quedado preciosa.

  3. I LOVE poppies, too....and I especially love backlighted poppies! These are glorious edits!

  4. Great, me encantan las amapolas también

  5. I really like the effect of the overlay, and the fact that in the original image you deliberately shot into the light, giving that warm, delicious effect in both versions. I love poppies too, no sign of them here yet though!

  6. I love the outcome!! You remind me that I really need to do some more photoshop learning...

  7. Con el cambio te ha quedado genial!!

    Un abrazo,


  8. So gorgeous! Love your processing... I wish we had poppy fields in Washington DC :)
