Saturday, December 24, 2011

Feliz Navidad

Tanto si celebráis la Navidad como si no, os deseo lo mejor. Gracias por estar ahí.
Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, my best wishes to you. Thank you for being there.

my christmas card: merry christmas to you all

Y aquí van mis tarjetas navideñas de este año:
These are my Christmas pictures so far:

dreams : LVM, tu navidad

Y , por supuesto, un arbol, un Kaki japonés, totalmente navideño.
And , of course, a tree, a Japanese Kaki tree, totally Christmas-ish
that tree again, as beautiful as last year

y otros muchos árboles:
And wishing all you very merry Christmas. Sweet shot Tuesday!

Mención especial a Julia (Azul Colbalto) Y a Jackie (La vuelta al Mundo): Gracias. Y Feliz Navidad.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas trees: season greetings. Feliz Navidad

Como viene siendo habitual estos últimos años, empiezo mis vacaciones de Navidad con un catarro monumental. Y lo último que me apetece es decorar mi casa.
Así que me fuí a dar un paseo, con mi nikon, por supuesto. Y me encontré los más fantásticos árboles de Navidad, allí, en medio del campo, con su aspecto más festivo y jolgorioso.
Los árboles me mejoran el humor, siempre.

I started my holidays with a very very bad cold, as has been usual these last couple of years!
So decorating the house was not exactly a priority. Instead I went out to have some fresh air. My nikon with me, of course. And I found the perfect decoration everytwhere. All trees were dressed for Christmas. And I loved their festive aspect.
Trees make me happier, always.

merry christmas
christmas trees

Thursday, December 8, 2011

bokeh party!

Had a lot of fun with christmas lights, playing bokeh.


A test shot:

And the lights:

maximum aperture, -small number-, bumped up ISO, wood houses closer to the camera, cheap lights in the background, and bam!

boken party at

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sunday, November 27, 2011

from the trees

paseos entre árboles. walking by the trees.
Autumn walks are so rewarding.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I am thankful for many things.
One of them is health. And the health of my family.

And I am thankful for Darcy, at the 3 Boybarians.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

hometown: Atelier assignment.

First, everything had to be planned: coffee, maps, notebook.
LR_-5954 (Large)
Second coffe, vanilla flavored, and I am ready.
LR_-5951 (Large)

It was rainy, but nice. I love the reflection and the light
DSC_6065c (Large)

Some places I don't usually visit, but I like the slight decay there.
LR_-6080 (Large)

some beautiful colors
LR_-6030 (Large)

and some details
LR_-6058 (Large)
LR_-6033 (Large)

I still have a ton of places to visit and shoot!

Monday, November 14, 2011

L'Atelier, Jackie Rueda

I have just started this workshop. I really wanted to take this course because Jackie is an artist.
We are in week 1 and I am AMAZED at all the information, excellent tips, beautiful assignments so perfectly explained. It is even better than what I had expected!
I can' but RECOMMED it! It is good for your photography skills and for your health!
LVM button

Acabo de empezar el Atelier, el Taller de Jackie Rueda. Me moría por hacerlo. Cuando sacó las inscripciones, yo ya llevaba media hora esperando al ordenador, para no quedarme fuera! Jackie es una verdadera artista. Pura inspiración.
Estamos en la semana 1 y ya estoy ENCANTADA con todo el material que Jackie nos ha presentado. Unas ideas extraordinariamente bonitas, unos deberes magníficamente explicados y desarrollados. Este taller es incluso mejor que todo lo que me había iomaginado. Lo estoy disfrutando 300%. Lo recomiendo, es hasta terapéutico!

Y éste es el primer ejercicio:
L'atelier #1
retratar a un ser querido siguioendo una serie de pautas.

And I wanted to share this in boybarians:
Sweet Shot Day

Monday, November 7, 2011

What I love of Autumn is

color, and mood, and shapes, and tones, and the smell of soil, and the rain, and the clouds that tell you it's getting cold, and chesnuts, and leaves, and the woods on fire color, and the noise of fallen leaves under your feet, and the very special sky, and the sense of coziness, ... Yes, Autumn inspires me, definitely.
words from the tree

And I love Darcy's work at
Sweet Shot Day

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Photography is a hobby for me, but it is also therapy, sometimes. Wherever I am through emotional ups and downs, I tend to solve them through photos. I express what is going on, words flow in my mind, but somehow I am unable to speak them out, but in images which are very personal, kinda autobiographical. Then I feel better.

Para mí, la fotografía es un hobby, pero también tiene su lado terapéutico en ocasiones. Con frecuencia resuelvo mis altibajos emocionales a través de imágenes, que expresan lo que me pasa por mi cabeza. Las ideas y las palabras están ahí, fluyen, pero salen transformadas en imágenes, no se hacerlo de otro modo. Las fotos resultanmtes son muy personales, autobiográficas. Y me hacen sentir mucho mejor.

These are some little stories:
Miss G pretended she would find it on a map, knowing she wouldn't, for there's no map for unexplored emotions. Yet, she dreamed away.
"Miss G pretended she would find it on a map, knowing she wouldn't, for there's no map for unexplored emotions. Yet, she dreamed away."
"Miss G se engañaba a sí misma, pensando que lo encontraría en algún mapa, aunque en realidad sabía que no resultaría, pues no existen los mapas para sentimientos inexplorados. Y siguió soñando."

Miss G felt she had to leave. And she did so. And she wrote down what she felt.
"Miss G felt she had to leave. And she did so. And she wrote down what she felt."
"Miss G sintió que tenía que marcharse. y lo hizo. Y escribió todo lo que sentía."

Jackie Rueda proposed Dyphtics as this month's assignment in La Vuelta al Mundo (Around the World) and I loved it, I love telling stoies through dyphtics. Next story is in my mind already, I'm just waiting for the right moment to shoot.

Jackie Rueda propuso Dípticos como el tema para este mes en La Vuelta al Mundo, y me encantó. Me gusta contar historias en dípticos. La próxima historia ya está en mi cabeza, tan solo espero el momento adecuado para fotografiarlo.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

ready, scary, boo!

Everything is ready for tomorrow.
ready, scary, boo!
Todo está preparado para mañana.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

autumn in my yard

Not in my yard, but all over. Yes, it seems that Autumn is finally coming.
On our way back home we stopped at this forest. It was windy again, but the colors of the poplars were gorgeous.

I am using Fundy blog collage software. It works so beautifully!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

it will be halloween soon!

And I took Julia and some tiny pumpkins!
Here it is, edited in Lightroom, using One Willow presets:

Friday, October 14, 2011

what I am today

Vicki asked where our creative minds come from.
Well, i've been thinking about it. I remembered my childhood. My head and my hands were always doing something. I remember sewing dolls, crafting things, knitting, scrapbooking. Fabrics were superb. I used to go with my aunt to her dressmaker's. It was gorgeous!
But then, there was photography. My dad used to take many photos and that's the only way I can remember some old times. I keep those albums, sometimes I look at them, and I find so much inspiration there. I remember my dad's camera, and how much i always liked his photos.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I ♥ autumn

I do, I love autumn.
It is the colors of the leaves, it is the light, it is the smell of wet soil. It is everything in autumn.
Every tree shows its best tones, every leaf gets dressed for the last dance before fall. And it is great, it is gorgeous display of luxurious outfit.
Yes, I love autumn.
two survivors

autumn. heal.


rainy days

autumn light.

Monday, October 10, 2011


Playing with focal distance:
look mum!

De 22 de julio de 2011

Friday, October 7, 2011

a tribute to Steve Jobs

I just wanted to say Thank you, wherever you are, Steve Jobs
thanks, Steve, wherever you are

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk 2011

It was so fun!
I love Scott Kelby's initiative. It was great. It was massive!
This was my first photowalk, I don't seem to find any photowalk near home, so I went to a town 80 kilometres from home. And I had a blast there, with other40 photographers and my daughter Julia, 11.
We laughed a lot, took tons of photos, met many interesting people, and possibly started a new fondness on photowalks.

Qué divertido. Me encantó la idea de Scott Kelby. Una maravilla, a lo grande!
Era la primera vez que iba a un photowalk. No encontraba nada parecido en mi ciudad, así que me apunté a unos 80 km. Y lo pasamos genial, mi hija Julia y yo, junto con otros cuarenta entusiastas fotógrafos.
Nos reimos muchos, hicimos toneladas de fotos, conocimos gente muy interesante y divertida, y posiblemente empezamos una afición a los fotowalks.

This is the photograph I am going to enter at the contest:
And here are some of the photowalkers:
Click to play this Smilebox collage
Create your own collage - Powered by Smilebox
Personalize your own free collage


Monday, September 26, 2011

it's my birthday

It's my birthday. I am not particularly enthusiastic about it, but this year I feel strangely fresh inside, which must be the symptoms of age...
And I want to stay happy, to dream, to fly, to love, to go to dream places, to care my loved ones, and sometimes to be on my own, to fly solo, to just feel the wind alone.

Es mi cumpleaños. No es algo que me entusiasme, pero este año me siento extrañamente nueva, lo cual quiere decir que me estoy haciendo mayor...
Y quiero ser y estar feliz, soñar, volar, amar, viajar a mis sueños, cuidar a aquellos a los que adoro, y a veces estar sola, ir a mi aire, sentir el viento en mi cara sin nadie alrededor.

And I love sharing posts here:
Sweet Shot Day