Sunday, September 11, 2011

Divas and Dreams workshop part 2/3

Image for assignment 5 Before:

And after:
sweet Julia. Assignment 5.
I mostly dodged and burned, and also use heal brush and a bit of cloning in the eyebrows.

Swwet Shot Tuesday at life with my three boybarians!
Sweet Shot Day


  1. Very pretty girl. Are you learning photoshop?

  2. @Rachel: I can manage quite well at Photoshop, it's new techniques I am leraning from Christina Greve, at Divas and Dream: I recommend her workshops!

  3. What a blessing! I so have wanted to take her workshop but haven't been able to. Great before and after photo!

  4. Wow amazing edit!! Great job!! what a pretty face and lovely eyes! Keep up the great work! Oh and thanks a lot for your sweet comment and for following! ;)
