Colors are said to reflect your state of mind; then, I'm alive and spirited.
The world around me is right now ...vibrant in colors.
Probably the fact that the past weeks have been so hard with work problems, depressing and disappointing issues have provoked in me a strong desire for breathing colors.

When I think of wheat, I picture it together with the blue sky, and tend to remember a poem by Rafael Alberti,
"Se equivocó la paloma,
se equivocaba.
Por ir al norte fue al sur,
creyó que el trigo era el agua.
Creyó que el mar era el cielo..."
(something like "the pidgeon was mistaken, the pidgeon was wrong, wanting to fly north, it flew south, thought wheat was water, thought the sea was the sky."
Wheat is getting golden now. I love those endless golden fields.
On the other hand, the swimming pool was just painted, ready for the coming summer. I tried the wheat against the sky, but this tuquoise proved more vibrant.
Tried different settings, the definite was f/4; 1/200;
I thought of editing, but was quite satisfied with the result. Would you have processed it? What would you have done to make it better?
Any comments and suggestions are welcome.
Have a nice week. Thanks for looking.