Monday, December 31, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Navidad. Christmas.
No se cómo, pero siempre llego a estas alturas cooriendo, tarde y mal; siempre me engaña el tiempo y el cansancio.
Y, de repente, es Navidad.
Feliz Navidad, Felices Fiestas a todos. No os podéis imaginar lo mucho que significa vuestro apoyo. Gracias por estar ahí.
It's always the same story: too tired, too rushy, and suddenly, it's Christmas. So Happy Christmas to everyone. Thank you for being there. Thank you for your support.
christmas card,
season greeting
Monday, December 10, 2012
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Fonts. Writing on photographs. Escribir en fotos.
Me gusta escribir en mis fotos. A veces utilizo la tableta y escribo directamente, pero me fascinan las fuentes que hay por ahí. Tanto me gustan que me compré la Jacques and Jill, aquí, en My Fonts Love. Me parece ideal!
I love writing on my photographs, sometimes I will use my tablet to handwrite on them. But I find some fonts aut there so fascinating! I recently bought Jacques and Jill at My Fonts. It is way too cute!

a mano
my handwriting here
I love writing on my photographs, sometimes I will use my tablet to handwrite on them. But I find some fonts aut there so fascinating! I recently bought Jacques and Jill at My Fonts. It is way too cute!
a mano
my handwriting here
Thursday, November 1, 2012
en tus manos
En La vuelta al mundo de Jackie Rueda, Octubre quiso ver manos. Me encanta el tema, y tengo mis modelos favoritas, cuyas manos uso una y otra vez. Tanto mis hijos como mi sobrina me prestan sus manos siempre que les pido.
In La Vuelta al Mundo de Jackie Rueda, October was about hands. Love this topic, love hands in my photos! I've got my models, I ask them again and again: My kiddos and my cousin always show me their hands whenever I ask them to.
Mis manos salen poco. No me gustan mucho
My hands hardly ever appear. They are not my best asset.

las de Carmen son ideales, largas y elegantes:
Carmen's are gorgeous, long and so elegant.

Y las de Julia, con sus uñas pintadas, me encantan
And Julia's, always with nail polish

Y las de Esteban, con sus uñitas comidas hasta medio dedo!
And Esteban's, who will never stop biting his nails!
In La Vuelta al Mundo de Jackie Rueda, October was about hands. Love this topic, love hands in my photos! I've got my models, I ask them again and again: My kiddos and my cousin always show me their hands whenever I ask them to.
Mis manos salen poco. No me gustan mucho
My hands hardly ever appear. They are not my best asset.
las de Carmen son ideales, largas y elegantes:
Carmen's are gorgeous, long and so elegant.
Y las de Julia, con sus uñas pintadas, me encantan
And Julia's, always with nail polish
Y las de Esteban, con sus uñitas comidas hasta medio dedo!
And Esteban's, who will never stop biting his nails!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Julia quería que le pintara la cara muy muy Halloween.
Julia wanted a very Haloween make-up
Me ayudó a entrar en modo Halloween,
She helped creating the mood

Julia wanted a very Haloween make-up
Me ayudó a entrar en modo Halloween,
She helped creating the mood
Saturday, October 27, 2012
sunset and castle.
Llevo días y días buscando una foto en mi desordenador y no hay manera de encontrarla. Eso sí, mientras busco, me voy encontrando sorpresas que tenía por ahí desordenadas y olvidadas.
Hice este collage y lo dejé para otro rato.
Recuerdo que hacía frío cuando hicimos las fotos. Lleva mis dos ayudantes, y Julia se prestó a posar - ahora ya no es tan frecuente!. Ella también estuvo haciendo sus fotos con su pequeña Canon. Tiene un buen ojo, me gusta las fotos que hace.
I've been looking for one particular picture for days and days, and I just can't find it, as this computer is all in shambles. But while I search, I come acroos some interesting finds which I had completely forgotten. I did this collage and then kept it to be worked on later. And I forgot. That evening was cold. My two little helpers came with me to the castle. Julia wanted to pose for me, fact that is more and more unusual these days. She also took some interesting photographs with her little Canon compact. I love the freshness in her captures.
I've been looking for one particular picture for days and days, and I just can't find it, as this computer is all in shambles. But while I search, I come acroos some interesting finds which I had completely forgotten. I did this collage and then kept it to be worked on later. And I forgot. That evening was cold. My two little helpers came with me to the castle. Julia wanted to pose for me, fact that is more and more unusual these days. She also took some interesting photographs with her little Canon compact. I love the freshness in her captures.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
I love horses' hair! It makes very interesting textures.
Me encantan las crines de los caballos. Forman imágenes interesantes
Me encantan las crines de los caballos. Forman imágenes interesantes
Friday, October 5, 2012
seasons, too
La primavera vino seca y árida. La tierra se quedó marrón, aunque cada árbol trajo tantas florecillas blancas como le cabían. Luego vinieron las lluvias, y la tierra se vovió verde y fresca. Con el cálido verano, el trigo creó una alfombra dorada. Y ahora llega otoño, y la tierra vuelve a su color más ocre y rico. El invierno será precioso, seguro.
Spring was so dry that everything was brownish, except for the tiny white flowers on every tree. Then, some rain came and the land got green and fresh. Summer made the crop create a golden background. Finallt october painted the land again in its ocrest color. I can't wait for winter.
Same place, in October
Mosaic made with bigHugeLabs. so easy!
Spring was so dry that everything was brownish, except for the tiny white flowers on every tree. Then, some rain came and the land got green and fresh. Summer made the crop create a golden background. Finallt october painted the land again in its ocrest color. I can't wait for winter.
Same place, in October
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Sunday, September 30, 2012
seasons. estaciones.
Es impresionante el cambio de estaciones y su efecto en la naturaleza. Elegí estos árboles y los vengo observando y admirando. Mañana veré el otoño en ellos
I love how the change of seasons shows everywhere, on trees and fields. I spotted these lines and watch them as the seasons change. Soon to come, autumn on these trees
marzo march

mayo may

junio june

I love how the change of seasons shows everywhere, on trees and fields. I spotted these lines and watch them as the seasons change. Soon to come, autumn on these trees
marzo march
mayo may
junio june
trees seasons
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
autumn: Behind the scenes
September is a time of tons of hard work for me, but then, Autumn comes suddenly and I don0t want to miss the change in colors and the beautiful sight that this time of the year shows.
So, this is it, the first Autumn picture, although the weather is still summer.
Septiembre me encnata, pero es un mes de trabajo duro, muy duro, para mí. Y llega el otoño de repente y no me lo quiero perder, ese cambio de colores, esa explosión de paletas de ocres mires donde mires.
Y no me resisto: Ahí va la primera foto otoñal, y un "así se hizo"
And here is the "behind the scenes":
Ingredients: a patch of green grass, some fallen leaves...
Ingredientes: Un cachito de césped y unas hojas recién caidas...
...get down to the ground, crawling, to get the perfect point of view...
Cuerpo a tierra, reptando, pera conseguir el punto de vista ideal... on your settings...
Mira bien la apertura y velocidad, e iso
. not yet! crank speed, the final shot was 1/1250, f/5,6 iso 320 ..until you get the very black background.
aquí todavía no está lo bastante oscuro, sube la velocidad. En la foto definitiva 1/1250, f/5,6 iso 320...hasta que consigas que el fondo quede oscuro
...and have a little helper to produce the rain: just a bottle to spray some water, and you've got it!
...por último, consigue un ayudante, con un bote de spray rellenable, y...tachán! empieza a llover!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Connemara. Panoramas.
Irlanda es fascinante. Connemara el paraiso. Desde la
perspectiva de los cuarenta grados a la sombra, añoro la lluvia y el fresquito
de la esquina verde del condado de Galway.
Nubes, ovejas, flores, playas y pueblos con encanto,
caballos, barcos coloridos, algas que forman paisajes y montañas forradas de
verde, carreteras como las que ya no hay, cielos gris plomizo o azul
inimaginable, y frescor mires donde mires. Me encanta Connemara. Desde el
momento que pusimos un pie en tierra irlandesa, quedamos enganchados y volvemos
inevitabletemente cada año. Y cada vez descubrimos algo nuevo, y siempre nos
quedará un ciento de cosas por descubrir.
Ireland is fascinating. Connemara
is just paradise. I miss the rain and wind especially now that we are going
through a severe heatwave in Spain.
40º C is more that what a limited human being like me can stand. So, yes, I
miss the green fresh corner in Galway Co.
Clouds and
sheep, flowers and beaches. And picturesque litlle villages. Horses and
colourful tiny boats, algae that create microscapes. And mountains, all covered
in foam green. Winding roads
like those of old lands, dark grey skies or incredibly blue ones. Freshness
wherever you breathe. I love Connemara. From the moment we set out feet on Ireland, we
fell in love. So much that we can’t help coming back every year.. And there is
always something new waiting for us to discover.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Irish summer
Long time no see!
So busy here these days!
Now we are all in Ireland, changing the boiling hot days of Spain for the chilling wet summer here in Ireland. And I love it.

Uf, hace tanto tiempo que no toco el blog! Cuanto trabajo, cuantos cursos, cuántos niños, campamentos, etc. Y finalmente, estamos todos en Irlanda. Hemos cambiado los 38º de España por un verano fresco -bueno, para ser exactos, frio- húmedo y ventoso. Es el verano Irlandés, y me encanta.
So busy here these days!
Now we are all in Ireland, changing the boiling hot days of Spain for the chilling wet summer here in Ireland. And I love it.
Uf, hace tanto tiempo que no toco el blog! Cuanto trabajo, cuantos cursos, cuántos niños, campamentos, etc. Y finalmente, estamos todos en Irlanda. Hemos cambiado los 38º de España por un verano fresco -bueno, para ser exactos, frio- húmedo y ventoso. Es el verano Irlandés, y me encanta.
Monday, May 14, 2012
paisajes. landscapes.
En nuestro tercer ejercicio en EnfocArte, de Eva, consiste en fotografiar paisajes. Bueno, pues este fin de semana he estado haciendo paisajes, aunque no cuentan. De todas formas, quería sacarlos por aquí, para cerciorarme de que soy monotemática!
Our third exercise at EnfocArte, by Eva, is taking photos of landscapes. Well, I took some just last weekend, so they won't qualify! Anyway, I wanted to share.
Aquí va la más reciente:
This is it:
Los colores me han recordado algo que hice hace tiempo:
But then I found something I did long time ago:
Parece que me he quedado con esos azules y esos verdes...
I seem to like this kind of scene. And again:
Sweet Shot Tuesday is now at Ken Weakley's!

Our third exercise at EnfocArte, by Eva, is taking photos of landscapes. Well, I took some just last weekend, so they won't qualify! Anyway, I wanted to share.
Aquí va la más reciente:
This is it:
But then I found something I did long time ago:
I seem to like this kind of scene. And again:
Friday, May 4, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Flores para Jackie.
Este mes en La Vuelta al Mundo, Jackie dijo "flores". Me gustan, me encantan, pero ya creía que estaba un poco cansadita de flores. Pero Jackie lo dijo, así que, a pensar en flores.
Y me ha encantado. Y éstas son mis flores:
This month, Jackie Rueda said she wanted flowers for her group at flickr, La Vuelta al Mundo. I love this group; each month Jackie proposes something new and gives examples of good work in that topic.. Then she said "flowers". I love flowers, I adore them, but I thought I had grown out of flowers, I was a bit tired of them. But it was her word, so I went for flowers, and I fell in love with them again. These are the ones that I uploaded to the pool.

1. spring came in waves., 2. buenos días, lunes. Good morning, Monday., 3. i don't like mondays, 4. white, 5. red on green, 6. looking upwards Y una más
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Ikea como recurso para fotografía. Ikea for photography
Me encanta Ikea, me gusta cómo amueblan sus espacios, como disponen los adornos, me resulta muy inspirador. Y últimamente, es mi almacén de cositas para fotografía.. Mis últimas visitas a Ikea no han sido a por muebles o cojines o cosas propias. He ido con otro ojo; y éstas han sido mis compras
Ikea is dreamland for me as a hobbyist photographer. My latest visits were not for furniture or bed linen. No, I went looking for some props and backdrops.
Fondo: estores, en blanco y gris, que se sujetan muy bien con una pinza a un pie o la sujetan mis pequeños diablos y acabamos todos por los suelos.
backdrop; blinds, in white and grey. They can be easily attached with a clam to a stand, or you can use your munchkins and eventually you will all roll down on the floor.

La balda blanca, contada en tres trozos , es mi mini set, para cositas pequeñas. Dos piezas las he unido en ángulo y la tercera la adoso al ángulo cuando me hace falta, formando un rinconcito.
The white shelf, cut in threee pieces. It is my mini set, for small objects. I joined two pieces in a right angle and then I use the third when needed, to form a corner.

Y jarras, cuencos y otras utillerías
Jugs, mugs, bowls and the like.

Y las plantitas...
And the little cutie plants...
Ikea is dreamland for me as a hobbyist photographer. My latest visits were not for furniture or bed linen. No, I went looking for some props and backdrops.
Fondo: estores, en blanco y gris, que se sujetan muy bien con una pinza a un pie o la sujetan mis pequeños diablos y acabamos todos por los suelos.
backdrop; blinds, in white and grey. They can be easily attached with a clam to a stand, or you can use your munchkins and eventually you will all roll down on the floor.
La balda blanca, contada en tres trozos , es mi mini set, para cositas pequeñas. Dos piezas las he unido en ángulo y la tercera la adoso al ángulo cuando me hace falta, formando un rinconcito.
The white shelf, cut in threee pieces. It is my mini set, for small objects. I joined two pieces in a right angle and then I use the third when needed, to form a corner.

Y jarras, cuencos y otras utillerías
Jugs, mugs, bowls and the like.

Y las plantitas...
And the little cutie plants...
ikea photography
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